Programming Language & Tools: Microsoft .NET C#
Have you ever think to have a CSharp (C#) control that allow you to store and display your scientific calculation values computed from your research application? No doubt, if we can represent our numrical scientific calculation data in graph format, it will increse the efficiency in our research in term of examine the correctness of our algorithm as well as methematic models.
This Ver 1.0 graph component is build to cater this purpose. Below is the list of the avaialble features:
This Ver 1.0 graph component is build to cater this purpose. Below is the list of the avaialble features:

- Allow user to input 3 set of values at 1 time and display them on the graph. Each graph can be represented by using different colors. This enable user to compare 2 to 3 set of scientific calculated values under the same scale.
- Allow user to set a graph scale (can take negative (-ve) value and minimum scale and positive value as maximum scale). For example, [-1 to 1].
- Enable to turn on and off the horizontal and vertical grid display. User are allow to set the color and gap (in pixel) for the grid.
- Enable user to set the size of the graph' drawing line.
- Display total number of graph's point currently available in the graph component.
- Allow user to set for auto scroll the graph display (display the latest input graph point) or scroll to the previoius or any portion of the graph at anytime. (By turning off the "Auto Scroll" indicator)
- Allow user to set their own graph title with the color they like, as well as the scale display color and graph border color.
- Allow user to set the graph display format, either as point form or as line form.
- Allow user programatically clear the graph data or other graph properties setting at anytime.
A testing program of this graph components are available for download. Please feel free to test it out and post the author some comments. If you wish to use the component, please drop an email to the author.
P/S: Do not hesitate to email the author if you have any special idea or enhancement features you think you like, the author will get it implemented in the future version. Thanks!