Friday, March 03, 2006

INFONERVE - Your Millennium Knowledge Repository (Online Multimedia Library Management System)

Programming Language: ASP, MySQL, COM+, Javascript
Brochures : Download
LIBS Presentation: Download
OMMS Presentation: Download
More information needed? Contact:

INFONERVETM is a web-based online library and knowledge management software solutions, aims to provide an ideal solution to transform your library into digital information portal.
Project Missions:
  • Fasten deployment and digitization to help transforming traditional libraries into digital multimedia virtual libraries.
  • Empowering libraries to offer substantial information resources, allowing users to search, access and retrieve it in a seamless manner.
  • Connecting people, libraries, and information at anywhere, anytime, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Leveraging with comprehensive features on cataloguing, circulation, periodical, OPAC search, personalization, user management and authentication, INFONERVETM facilitates library automation and effective information management for your library.
INFONERVETM shape the solution based on 19 key features:
1) User Authentication
  • System access control to authorized users
  • Configurable feature links to authorized users
  • Patron account expiration reminder

  • Online/LAN access to library catalogue
  • Web search
  • Provide inquiry for item details and status
  • Quick search – selected field searching
  • Advanced search – boolean searching for combination of fields
  • Browse search – alphabetical list of field heading searching
  • Personalized search preference
  • Staff/Patron mode search result

Multimedia OPAC
  • Book
    • Cover display
  • Serial
    • Cover display
  • Photo
    • Virtual gallery
  • Audio/Video
    • Media accessing
  • Article
    • Press cutting
    • Journal indexing
  • Multilingual

4) Circulation
  • Book & Serial Circulation
  • Loan
  • Return
  • Extend
  • Reserve
  • Patron current activities
  • Patron transaction history
  • Overdue warning
  • Circulation limit control
  • Fine payment management
  • Fine limit control
  • User-friendly circulation mode switching control
  • Configurable circulation rules and regulation

5) Self Circulation
  • Allow patrons to perform circulation functions with restricted rules
  • Self-checking current activities
  • Self-revised transaction track records
6) Cataloguing
  • Catalog management
  • Catalog item details
  • Barcode-enabled
  • Configurable cataloging fields selection

7) Serial Cataloguing
  • Catalog management
  • Catalog item details
  • Barcode-enabled

8) Periodical
  • Allow check-in and check-out for serial subscription
  • Prediction of subscription arrival date
  • Incomplete/undelivered collection reminder

Photo Cataloguing
  • Catalog management
  • Catalog photo details
  • Album collection
  • Photo gallery

10) Audio / Video Cataloguing
  • Catalog management
  • Catalog item details
  • Media accessing
11) Indexing
  • Index article
  • Direct link to source / periodical

12) Configuration
  • Configure system access level/user type
  • Configure circulation rules and regulation
  • Configure cataloguing field options
  • Configure web links
13) Patron Management
  • Manage patron profile
  • Add
  • Delete
  • Update
  • Search
14) Personalization
  • User profile self-update
  • Change password
  • Personalized search result preference

15)Vendor Management
  • Manage vendor profile
  • Search vendor profile
  • Integrated vendor expenses control
16) Administrative Management
  • Sign up / delete administrative user
  • Manage administrative user profile
  • Search administrative user profile
17) Report
  • Patron report
  • Serial report
  • Dynamic Boolean Book Printable Report
  • Dynamic Circulation Book Printable Report
18) Statistics
  • Dynamic statistics report management
  • Circulation statistics
    • Patron centric
    • Book centric
  • Book statistics
  • Advance printable 3D animated analysis graph

19) Acquisition
  • Order / Wish List management
  • Vendor / Materials budget control
  • Auto evaluation engine
  • Order search

We believe that our professional software developers and experienced librarians, and ever-evolving suite of services, would be able to cater and support your library’s needs.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Window Backup Utilities

Year: 2002
Programming Language: Visual C++ Ver 6.0
Source Code: Email the author:
Application For Test: Download

This application actually let user to search files located in their computer with several of criteria. Some of the criteria such as: a file is created earlier than, later than specified date or between 2 specified dates, the archive bit is set or unset; the file size is larger than or smaller than specified size. Users can have their interested criteria to be combined together using “AND” or “OR” condition. The system will intelligently construct a SQL search statement to show what the criteria are that the user has been chosen.

The list of the files that meet the search criteria will be listed in a list box. By using drag and drop method, user actually can drag the files that they want to back up to the back up list box located below the search list box. By specifying the backup destination, user can have their selected backup file to be copied to the defined location.

AI 8-puzzle (8 Puzzle) solver

Year: 2002
Programming Language: MS. Visual C++ Ver 6.0
Source Code : Core code shared here
Application For Test: Download
Full Working Application Project Source Code / 8-Puzzle solver implemented in C#, you can email

System allow user to input 8-puzzle question and solve it using various AI methods. The AI methods that are chosen are basically commonly used to solve the puzzle problem. Fundamental of AI solutions is actually let the computer generate the solutions space and search it using some heuristic mechanism. AI Algorithm which can minimize the solutions space and has the fastest search mechanism will eventually become the best method.
The methods explored and implemented are: Blind Breath-First Search, h=Sum(step tiles from origin), h=Num. of Title not in place, Manhattan Distance Heuristic and A* Searching Algo (A Star Algorithm). Blind search is actually the worse algoritm in this scenario while the A* algorithm is the best. You may test it using this system by observing the time unit that the computer use, the exposed solutions and the solution steps obtained by different algo.

Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation implementing Neural-Fuzzy (Neural Network + Fuzzy Logic) Technique simulated in JAVA Network Simulator

Year: 2001
Programming Language: Java
Source Code: Email the author:
Application For Test:
Related Documents: Download

This system was built in order to fulfill my final year research project at University Of Malaya.
General Concepts:
A Neural-Fuzzy model was created in order to predict the next incoming bandwidth in ATM network which contain of several parties and intelligent allocate a suitable bandwidth according to each party usage pattern. The objective is to reduce the drop rate in switch buffer and maximize the usage of the outgoing bandwidth.
Neural network play the role in predicting the next incoming pattern from different parties. The fuzzy logic plays the role in evaluating the pre-set user rules and assigned intelligently the suitable bandwidth.

You may download and refer to the report for further details of this project.

Simulation ADALINE with TDL Neural Network model

Year: 2001
Programming Language: Java
Source Code: Email the author:
Application For Test: Refer to ADALINE TDL Neural Network Simulation In CSharp (C#)
This simulation is built to test the Neural Network model in predicting complex non-linear system. Amazingly, it works!


  1. Initial a x value. (t=0). By inputting the x value into the NN model to produce the predicted y value.
  2. The author actually generate a 2D (x,y) coordinate using a complex equations (joining some 2sin(x) + 3cos(x), ….).
  3. Obviously the y value will give a wrong value because the NN model have not been trained.
So, the system is going to teach the NN model using the actual y value generated in step 2 and repeat step 1 again for the x value in next time step (t=1).

By performing this teaching mechanism to the neural network, you will observe that when simulation run longer (t>20k), the NN model actually can have a quite good prediction of y value by the given x values.

No difficult steps need to perform in order to set up and run this simulation. Please have a try. You will notice that the more iteration of the simulation runs, the error rate reduced.

Printer Troubleshoot Expert System

Year: 2000
Programming Language: Java
Source Code: Email the author:
Application For Test: Download
Related Documents: Download
Expert – a person who is very knowledgeable about or skilful in a particular area. Time is needed for a person to become an expert in a particular domain. If an expert does not pass his or her expertise to others, the knowledge might lose forever. When people talk about expert, the first thing that comes in mind is some bombastic profession such as doctor, scientist and maybe engineer. Even most of these professional can be consider as expert in their field, there do have other expert. As an example, a cook who can prepare very good curry can be considered as an expert in making curry. An expert system will try to encode the expertise into its own knowledgebase. With this knowledge, an expert system is capable to perform as an expert in a particular domain.

In this project, an expert system in printer troubleshooting will be built. This expert system is capable in diagnose a printer problem and providing a solution base on the found problem. Another advance feature of this expert system is that it is capable of processing natural language. A user needs only to input the problem description in natural language and the expert system will try to understand the problem and derive a solution for it.

To obtain the needed information for building the expert system, we will try to gain the needed data by conducting an interview with an expert in printer troubleshooting. Beside that, we will try to acquire the information for the Internet and other source such as computer magazine. In this project, Java will be used to develop the whole expert system. This includes the knowledge representation for the expertise and inference engine of the expert system.

Graphics Encryption Communication System (GCCS)

Year: 2000
Programming Language: Java
Source Code: Email the author:
Application For Test: DownloadRelated Documents: Download

Have you ever think to encrypt your graphics during you sent your pictures over the network? The system named GCCS is actually a prototype that built to make this scenario reality!

The scenario:
1. Initially, at server site need to generate a pair of public key and private key and save it as meaningful name, eg. PubKey_[PersonName].key, PriKey_[PersonName].key.
2. Then, the public key actually can be distributed to the party that wants to sent drawing message to you via an unsecured network.
3. For the party that wants to sent message to you (at the client site), he/she need to choose the public key to encrypt the message before sent to you (the server site).
4. After the encryption process complete, user may click on the "send" button for the drawing information to transmit via any unsecure network.
Screen below show the data transmission process happen at client site and the data receiving process at server side.
5. After you have received the encrypted message, you actually need to choose the corresponding private key in order to get the message decrypted.

The functionalities:
  1. The server program actually can provide you to generate various number of key, such as 4, 8, … , 128 characters. The more characters for the key, system need more time to perform the encryption and decryption process.
  2. The client program provides some basic functionality for drawing a message before send.
  3. User friendly GUI to ease users to use this prototype.
That is really a wonderful encryption and decryption system written in JAVA. It also implemented using client server architecture. Please have a try!

Simple Family Relation System

Year: 2000
Programming Language: Visual Prolog 5.1
Source Code: Email the author:
Application For Test: Download
Related Documents: Download
Another assignment proposed during University Malaya, the AI course. In this course, students are requested to produce a family relationship application using Visual Prolog 5.1. Within a month, the author study the VP and trying to create that. It’s actually a very interesting programming language and total AI-based. Using various techniques of AI methods and concepts, the system is built with various functionalities, such as the system is able to tell the user the relationship between any members that has been chosen.

Furthermore, by right click on any member, the system will tell the information of the chosen family member, such as how many children he/she has, even how many daughter or son. If the user chooses to display a family member where he is actually a grandfather, then the system is able to show how many grandchildren do him own and how many son or daughter he has as well.

Sound interesting? Let try it out. You will be surprising that Prolog actually can produce quite a good window application.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Applet Dancing Line

Year: 2000Programming Language: Java AppletSource Code & Application For Test: Download

This simple demonstration of dancing line is coded using Java Applet. Various setting can be performed before you get the dancing line run on the applet window. The setting are such as the total group of line, speed, gaps between each line you want it to be and so on.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Memory Management Simulation

Year: 1999
Programming Language: Turbo C Ver 4.5
Source Code / Request Memory Management Simulation in C# : Email the author:
Application For Test: Download

This simulation is built in order to simulate the effectiveness of 3 type of memory management algorithm using in our OS in the “ancient” time. The first type is: “First-Fit algorithm.” (Please refer to your OS text book to know in detail.). Second type is: “Best fit algorithm”. The third algorithm simulated in this system is: Best First Fit algorithm which the author produced it by combining the advantages from the previous 2 algorithms. The simulation was implemented with a time unit where each random generated job has a certain size and time unit needed to be remained in memory.
In this simulation, several pre-defined size of memory segments were created initially. Each memory segment will have different memory blocks in size. Different algorithms will have different mechanism in choosing which memory segment to load the generated jobs in order to minimize the wasted memory blocks and have the most jobs loaded into memory at the same time. In other words, there will be minimum number of jobs waiting in the queue to be loaded. This is one of the best simulator has been built in DOS mode using C by the author. You perhaps can have a try and run the program in full screen DOS mode.

Data Structure Demonstration – Stack

Year: 1999
Programming Language: Turbo C Ver 4.5

Source Code: Email the author:
Application For Test: Download
This simple demonstration is to simulation the STACK data structure. Simple GUI was developed in DOS environment. Animation techniques were using to simulation the PUSH-POP mechanism using the container placement concept. Aha… Furthermore, the simulation was developed with PC sound enabled. Let try it out…

Simple Mathematic Linear Line Graph Plotter

Year: 1999
Programming Language: Assembly Language
Source Code: Email the author:
Application For Test: Download

This simple application is actually an assignment during my first year in University Malaya. The application takes 3 parameters: A, B and C where Ax + By = C. By having this 3 values, the system need to calculate and give the interception of x-axis, the slope and the constant of a straight line equation, y=mx+c.
Furthermore, the system needs to allow the graph to be plotted on the screen after these values is calculated. The challenge is the author needed to perform the graph plotting mechanism coded using assembly language. Imagine…

Image Understanding (IU)

Throughout these years, the growth of digital media collections has been accelerating, particularly in still images. These artifacts repre...